Selected Projects
Dropbear - Vicinity Melb. - Photoplay
Dropbear - NPLH Project - Direct
Gen Kaiser - Xero - Pixel. Melbourne
Gen Kaiser - Google - Entropico
Peter Nizic - Big W - Hogarth
Peter Nizic - Makers - The Funktion
Peter Nizic - Cobram Estate - Pixel.Melbourne *AEAF Award Winner
Ben Hobbs - Inventory Plus - Xero
Ben Hobbs - Project Plus - Xero
Simon Rippingdale - Lego - Heckler
Simon Rippingdale - Quilton - Heckler
Simon Rippingdale - NRMA - Heckler
Natasha Foster - CommBank - Entropico
Simon Robson - Edith Cowan Uni Perth - McFly Films
Simon Robson - Precinct - Rasic + partners
Simon Robson - Swinburne RMIT - Sedona
Simon Robson - RACV - Sedona
Dropbear - NSW Govt DCS - Photoplay
Dropbear - Big W Toymania - Photoplay
Gen Kaiser - Flybuys - Pixel.Melbourne
Gen Kaiser - Koala - Jack Nimble
Gen Kaiser - Amex - Jack Nimble
Gen Kaiser - Bunnings - Jack Nimble
Darren Price - Self Wealth - Mighty Nice
Darren Price - Samsung - Mighty Nice
Josh Logue - Riverina - Papermoose
Peter Nizic - Archie Rose Gin - Direct
Peter Nizic - Felix - Papermoose
Peter Nizic - Noosa - Papermoose
Dropbear - Lipton - Playtime
Dropbear - Ikea - Playtime
Dropbear - British Paints - Playtime
Dropbear - Woolies - Playtime
Dropbear - NRMA - Playtime
Dropbear - British Paints - Playtime
Dropbear - Openshop - Playtime
Norman Yeend - Atomic Monster (US) - Bewilderbeast *AEAF Award Winner
Darren Price - Ethical Nutrients - Mighty Nice
Darren Price - Toilet Duck - Mighty Nice
Darren Price - Crown - Mighty Nice
Darren Price - K-Mart - Mighty Nice
Darren Price - Handy Wipes - Mighty Nice
Alex Kery - Fox Movies - Foxtel Creative
Jeremy Hudson - NSW Floods - Limehouse Creative
Simon Robson - CoEx - Ogilvy X
Josh Edwards - Emirates - Buck
Josh Edwards - Sunbites - Buck
Gareth O'Brien - Google - Buck
Gareth O'Brien - KFC - Ogilvy X
Simon Robson - CoEx - Ogilvy X
Kyra Bartley - Lego - Sixty 40
Kyra Bartley - XERO - Sixty 40 x 3 Campaigns
Boca Ceravolo - McDonalds - Sixty 40
Boca Ceravolo - Air NZ - Sixty 40
Simon Robson - K-Mart - Mighty Nice
Simon Robson - Coke Summer Classic - Emotive
Simon Robson - Chartered Accountants - Sixty 40/ Heckler
Simon Robson - Taubman's - Sixty 40/ Heckler
Simon Robson - NRL 2016 - Sixty 40/ Heckler
Simon Robson - St Vincent de Paul TVC - Sixty 40/ Kite Productions
Simon Robson - emma software - Goodstuff
Simon Robson - Bondi Hipsters Iconic - Mighty Nice
Dean Friske - Woolworths Jamie's Table TVCS + Content - Spring
Dean Friske - Jeans4Genes - Ideas of Dean
Dean Friske - Yahoo - Ideas of Dean
Dean Friske - Westpac - Ideas of Dean
Dean Friske - Nissan - Thinkbone
Sinead McDevitt - YBell Fitness - Finch
Chris Nelius - Mountain Dew Pick Ups - Finch
Chris Nelius - Hungry Jack's - Heckler
Nick Reynolds - NRMA - Curious
Nick Reynolds - Mentos - Plaza
Phil Meatchem - Kirin - Film Graphics
Phil Meatchem - AGL - Film Graphics
Drama & Documentary
Junky’s Christmas 17 mins. 16mm short
Written & Narrated By William S.Burroughs. Directed By Nick Donkin
A Francis Ford Coppola Presents / VH-1 / Palomar Pictures Production
Winner Jury Award Aspen Film Festival 1995
Winner Lumiere Award New Orlens Film Festival 1995
Nominated Best Animation Australian Film Institute Awards 1995
Charlotte Grey (VFX Unit) 35mm - Miniature Title Elements - Animal Logic
Director Belinda Bennetts
Willfull (VFX Unit) 35mm - Pyrotechnic Title Elements - Animal Logic
Director Belinda Bennetts
Fight Science (35mm Tech Tests for series development teaser) - Animal Logic
Director John Brenkus - Discovery Channel - Base Productions USA
Monkey Puzzle" (2nd Unit) Feature S16mm Director: Mark Forstmann
Dop: Justine Kerrigan - Totem Films
Walking On Water" (2nd Unit) Feature 35mm Director: Tony Ayres, Producer: Liz Watts Dop: Bob Humphreys Porchlight Films
Slava’s Snowshow Doco 60 mins digital Shared DOP credit with Justine Kerrigan Producer: Andrew Higgie FranceChannel 2/ BackRow/SFX Paris
Are You Racist? Documentary (VFX Unit)
Director Paul Scott, Mindful Media. SBS Australia
Kangaroo Documentary Feature (Additional days)
Director Kate Cleary-McIntyre, Hopping Pictures
Broadcast Design & Promos, Station IDs for
Animal Logic, Tilt Design, Foxtel Area 51, Foxtel Graphics, Foxtel Movie Network,
Channel Ten Promos, Network Seven Promos, SBS, Ambience,
TCN Nine, Discovery Channel, Tactic, National Geographic,MTV, ZSpace, Engine, English & Pockett (UK), Astra (MALAYSIA),
Bloomberg (UK), Knapman Wylde, Digital Pictures.
Music Video (selected)
Alice In Chains (USA), The VORS, Han, Josh Pyke ,
You Am I (2), Primary, Max 22, Leah Heyward,
Amateur Lovers (USA),
One Nation Blue, Wicked Beats, Crash Palace, Leonardo’s Bride (3),
Rumanastone, Christian Alexanda, The Whitlams (2), Bluebottle Kiss.
Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts) City Art Institute, Sydney 1989 (COFA).
Master of Arts (Drama) AFTRS 1997
2007 National ACS Awards - Award of Distinction
2006 NSW ACS Awards - Gold
2003 NSW ACS Awards - Silver1997 ARIA Accredited Recognition Award - Music Video
Relevant Skills
Miniatures, scale models, VFX, stop motion & Dragonframe specialist.
Founder of Showreelfinder.com online video portal for the screen production industry, established in 2005.
Zeiss Classic Lens Extended Kit, Canon EOS bodies x 3, inc 8k video body.
15 and 24mm Macro Probe Specialized Lens Kit, 24mm Periprobe, 25 mm 5x Macro lens, Dragon loaded laptop. Grip and lighting for tabletop.
Trickatech tabletop motion control rig. 6 axis. Stop motion and tabletop testing studio.
Top Techs +61 2 9958 1611
Brightest Hour Film Co © Simon Higgins 2024